Statistical Yearbook of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship 2022

Date of publication: | 30.12.2022 |
The yearbook is a basic, collective study of the Office, which is a compilation of statistical data and information characterising the standard of living of the society, the state of the economy and the natural environment of the voivodship in 2021. The statistical data have been grouped into 21 thematic chapters. There are included in the current edition of the publication the preliminary results of the National Population and Housing Census 2021 on the size and structure of the population, economic activity of the population and dwelling stock, as well as to the information on labour input in agricultural holdings, presented for the first time in the publication, developed on the basis of the results of the Agricultural Census 2020. An additional feature of this year's edition is the Delimitation of Rural Areas for statistical purposes, developed by Statistics Poland and presented for the first time in the Yearbook. The purpose of the Delimitation of Rural Areas is to ensure a uniform presentation of the results of statistical surveys concerning rural areas. The use of the Delimitation will enable detailed presentation of data on rural areas, highlighting their diversity. The content of the publication also includes changes with respect to the previous edition resulting from changes in the conducted statistical surveys. They concern information derived from the Labour Force Survey, which was compiled in accordance with the new principles of determining main categories of people in the labour market. As of the current edition of the Yearbook, statistical data on some healthcare occupations are published on the basis of administrative sources and not, as previously, on the basis of reports submitted by entities. Selected information is illustrated in cartograms, cartodiagrams, charts and diagrams. To enable a proper interpretation of the content presented, we encourage you to read the general notes, which provide explanations of the terminology, methodology and scope of the information contained in the publication. A component of the study are review tables including i.a. the most important statistical data on the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship in comparison with the country for the year 2021 and retrospectively for the years 2000, 2010, 2015 |